Monday, 30 May 2011

My Website goes live

I have just released my website upon the world:

This is a combination of my web developmen pretensions and my current job role. Have a look, I hope you like it.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Diary of a career changer - part two

So its been a while.

I'm feeling much better about this whole thing after having discovered that there are Excel VBA jobs out there. This could be my way in to the IT world, the foot in the door so to speak. I can do that and I have also addressed the whole experience thing as well. I have 14 years of experience in manufacturing industry, solving problems, being an employee, dealing with people, satisfying customers and making things better - this is all good experience. I can use this with the skills I already have to start off in VBA development, then more to more serious programming after that. I feel a lot better about this now, I'll admit that this was worrying me but not any more.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

You say justice, I say revenge.

I am really disturbed by the US government over this whole Bin Laden thing.

To go on the TV whooping for joy and talking about justice is a bit much if you ask me. Justice indicates a process, a trial, evidence, a jury, a verdict then a sentence. What happened in Pakistan the other night was an assassination, no more, no less. If they wanted too they could have took him alive and made him answer to his crimes. Yes he was a hateful man who committed terrible crimes but to just wipe him out like that seem to me to fly in the face of the human rights and democracy that the USA stands for. It brings them down to the level of the terrorists that they oppose. By murdering a murderer without recourse to a legal procedure are you not as bad?

After WWII there was a set of trials for war criminals accused of Genocide of attemoting to wipe out the Jewish people. That was driven by the USA at the time, perhaps Mr Obama could look to the pages of history rather than to his next election campaign before he acts next time. Whatever happened Bin Laden would be a focal point for his followers, the US government has now made him a martyr.

Power has responsibilty and those with the most power have the most responsibility.

Monday, 2 May 2011


It went well on Friday, I missed the wedding of the century and fired 125 balls down a driving range. Having never tried 'serious' golf before I am please to report at least 10 of the aforementioned balls seemed to be reasonable drives, I definatley want to go again and actually take the sport up. If only for the luminous yellp and black check trousers I saw in the shop. No I jest, but I really did enjoy it and want to start it up. I need a glow though as the blisters on my hands prove.

The timing is good and my wife and I are both stopping smoking - 3 days today! This could be replacement therapy!

Osama is dead...

According to the news this morning Osama Bin Laden is dead, killed by the US military. Is this a good thing? I'm uncertain because:

A) This is the US being judge, jury and executioner, should he not have been put on trial and made to answer to his crimes in a court of law?
B) The potential for fundamentalist backlash.
C) The world has now no longer got an almost mythical figure of hate to unite against.
D) Will there not simply be a dpeuty to take over?

I don't feel safer now I know he is dead but I don't think his death will necessarily put my life more at risk from terrorism. I believe that this will but the coalition forces more at risk and will possibly be the spur to another massive outrage. It is 10 years since 9/11 after all.