Saturday, 12 March 2011

The world is ending

Now, I'm not sure about the whole Mayan calendar ending in 2012 thing but I think we, as a human race are on the downward spiral. The western world has tried to ruin us with the banking crisis, cuts and world wide recession, the middles east is going through massive upheaval and the planet mostly NZ and Japan is trying to kill us too. Where does most of the world's wealth come from? Oil, and where does that come from? So the area that generates the most wealth and affects every person on the planet is in massive turmoil, prices are going up and what happens when the supply lines start to get cut? The world will start to grind to a halt. The cradle of technology, Japan, is also under attack by the planet, a warning maybe or just a geological phenomenon, I can't say. I think that before too much longer the unrest will spread, societies will collapse, starved of oil and we will regress, the next generation will live in caves, mark my words. It will take one rogue state to puh the button when faced with this upheaval and armegeddon will be let loose so I say enjoy it while we can. Max out those credit cards, if the world doesn't end at least you're stimulating the economy. Blowing up the bubble for the next finaical blow out.

Enjoy life - it'll soon be over.

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