Sunday 20 February 2011

Why I love Pokemon

I suppose it could be deemed slightly odd that I, a 35 year old, have become more that a little obsessed with Pokemon on the DS. The reason is, I think, that it appeals to the collector, the hoarder in me. You have to catch the Pokemon from the wild and the excitement of finding a new one is immense, battling it down until it's vulnerable and then catching it and raising it over the levels. It's great, it really is.

In the world of tabloid outrage at video game violence, which, I must admit I do indulge in also, it is nice to play a game where you don't actually kill anything. They just get knocked out and faint, then you heal them back up to full health. I'm not a parent but if I was I would find this kind of re-assuring.

Culturally as well I like the Japanese anime style of the cartoons, remember SMTV with Ant and Dec? That was where I got into it all, I liked the cartoons at first, and I'm into the Japanese horror films and anime generally although my collection is pretty much non-existant yet (still Film Four is good for this type of stuff).

All in all it's fun, escapism from real life, catching and battling with ickle monsters. Who'se life woulnd't be richer for that?

Thursday 17 February 2011

Day four of my week off

So this is day four of my week off and so far the week has gone well. Monday I painted the ceiling in the hall, stairs and landing area, Tuesday did a mammoth amount of glossing, god that was awful, so many door areas and the stair rails and bannisters. Wednesday I painted the walls in the aforementioned hall area. Thursday, being today is pivotal, the carpet men are here fitting the new carpet in the lounge and hall etc. It is looking good and whilst I cannot take any credit for the design, that is down to my wife, I can take satisfaction that my labours have realised that design.

The arrival of my new DS on Monday was great too, I am now catching and battling Pokemon at a rate of knots. The only downside to the week is that my wife has been at work. Nevermind, she'll be home soon.

First post!!

I have just closed my old Blog so I thought I'd start a new one.

This one is going to be more about me and what I like and do and stuff like that. I hope you enjoy reading it.