Saturday 14 April 2012

Friday 13 April 2012

I like Mamoswine

Roleplaying games its not all D&D

Last Tuesday I had my first session with the fareham rpg club and had a much fun time playing Deathwatch by Fantasy Flight Games. Oh how I lobe the Warhammer 40K universe so being able to play in it, as a space marine, was fantastic. I cannot recommend this game enough and I want to play more the only drawback is it seems to be sold out everywhere at the moment. The rules are apparantly the smae as Dark Heresy so I might get that for now.

For all you non roleplayers out there it is not all dungeons and dragons! it can be 7' tall genetically engineered killing machines, with guns!

Have fun out there.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Its been almost a year

Wow, time has flown by and I have not updated this blog.

I still have the same job.

I have not had a cigarette for 12 days.

There will be more to follow, I am still out there.